EDI power supply
Every continuous EDI system delivered by Iontech® can be supplemented by a fully compatible DC power supply for the most effective electrodeionization process. (C)EDI, or (continuous) electrodeionization, is one of the latest methods used for the production of ultra-pure water (UPW). Because EDI systems can differ, a suitable DC power supply is necessary. We always give the best advice about the pure water system for your specific industry, including 24/7 technical support.
The most suitable continuous EDI power supply
In general, a continuous EDI system from Iontech® requires very little power to run on full capacity. This, of course, leads to a significant reduction of energy costs with respect to purifying water. The modules work continually on the long-term with low energy consumption and high recovery. Our specialists analyse the water purification requirements within your specific industry, and make sure that the DC power supply for your EDI system can be installed correctly. Moreover, power-related products of other EDI systems, like E-Cell, Qua FEDI and Ionpure, can be replaced with high-quality Iontech® products.
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Contact us for more information
Do you want more information about EDI systems and the power supply required? Or would you like to receive more general information about our (C)EDI service or the different (C)EDI modules? We are happy to give you any information you need. Have you made the choice for an Iontech® EDI system? Then you will also enjoy our fast delivery times. Call +31 164 852048 to contact us.