A RO-EDI system uses reverse osmosis technology, ion exchange membranes, resin and electricity to deionise water from an ultra-high quality. The purposes of water purification differ from each other, depending on the specific industries that require ultra-pure water (UPW) for their production and processes. Iontech® specialises in this pure water technology and our specialists have an extensive knowledge about many different RO-EDI systems. We always come up with a tailor-made solution that meets your water purification requirements.
Let us advise you on Double Pass RO EDI
The structure of a water purification system depends on the quality of the feed water that has to be purified. When the process requires more, as is the case when purifying sea water, a Double Pass RO offers a fitting solution. Double Pass Reverse Osmosis in combination with EDI technology purifies water in steps to produce pure water in an even purer form. The Double Pass RO technology contains a second RO membrane system that generates a second filtration of permeate water from the first pass. We are always happy to advise you about the necessity and installation of a Double Pass RO system as a pre-treatment to produce ultra-pure water within your specific industry. Choose an efficient, environmental friendly, cost-effective and durable pure water system and enquire after the possibilities for your business.
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Discover the benefits of our service
A RO-EDI requires limited maintenance, but when a component needs to be repaired, our experts are available 24/7 and 365 days a year for technical support or emergencies. Our service is not only beneficial with respect to professional technical support, but also to short delivery times. In addition, when another system has to be upgraded or repaired – even from manufacturers like E-Cell, Qua FEDI and IONPURE® – our specialists have the right knowledge to use suitable components as replacement, rather than replacing the entire system. Please contact us by calling +31 164 852048. We are happy to tell you more about RO-EDI technology.